welcome dear ! lots of love from me !

sOmeThinG aBout Me ~ !!!

Foto saya
selangor, Malaysia
yayayaya , this is me ! actually , lily ikien is not my full name laa ~ my name is nurul ashikin ahmad tarmizi.. haha , cute rite?? ngeeeeee~ wateverr~ oke2 , actually i never ber blogger , but i want to try 2 like my fren.. hahaha , it seem like interesting to have a blog.. so , i have oneee .. ngeeeeee~ btw ,right now , i am study at uitm merbok , kedah .. hohohoho ~ best uh ~ but , i miss my family laaa ~ ggggrrrrrrr!! oke la , thats all ..:)

Jumaat, 23 September 2011

some story ~ best kot ~ :D

Boy: I broke up with her.

Best Friend: What happened?

Boy: She’s just too much for me....
Best Friend: What makes you say that? What did she do wrong?

Boy: Well, for one. She only cared about her appearance. Always had to look good, always took forever to get dressed!

Best Friend: So, you broke her heart because she wanted to keep your eyes
locked on her? She wanted you to see that you have the smart lady under your sleeve and not think otherwise? I see..

Boy: Oh.. Well. She’d often call me or text me asking where I am, who I’m with, telling me not to smoke, not to drink. She’s so clingy!

Best Friend: So, you broke her heart because she cares about your well being? Because she cares about you a lot? And her greatest fear is losing you. I see..

Boy: But.. Uhh.. Well, she’d always cry when I say something slightly
mean. she can’t handle anything.

Best Friend: So, you broke her heart because she has feelings? And because she just wanted to hear you say you love her? I see..

Boy: I.. Well! You know, she’d get jealous easily. I could barely talk to other girls! She’s so annoying! I had to hide it from her.

Best Friend: So, you broke her heart because she just wanted you to commit to her? She thought you were faithful, but you lied so she could find out later and hurt even more? She just wanted the boy she loves the most to love only her. I

Boy: Well, she..

Best Friend: You broke up with her just because she’s good for you? She just wanted the best for you? She’s broken now because you were selfish. Are you proud?
renung2kan dan selamat beramal ~ :) 

Khamis, 15 September 2011

balas ? perlu ke ?

hhaahhaa , d sini , aku hanya nak kongsi tentang balas tak balas .. umm , ntah la , zmn krg ni , mcm2 yg berlaku .. org dengki khianat la ape laa.. sekarang ni , aku malas nk balas ape2 .. huhu , n 1 lagi ! ampa dh besaq kan ? ampa pandai2 pikiaq la .. ade otak sendiri dah ... huhu.. n org2 d luar sana, tlonglah faham .. sy manusia jugak ~ sy punye perasaan sgt sensitif  mcm org lain jugak ~ jgn jadikan sy seorang yg kebal.. sbb selama ni , sy dh terlampau kebal dh ni~ oke , annyeong !

Khamis, 8 September 2011

Redha ~

annyeonghaseyo !! oke , minggu ni tersangatlah bz .. minggu depan pon ~ serius tak tipu .. macam2 test la , kuiz la , assignment la , shooting movie laa.. macam2 laa.. hahaha .. suke plak ak .. humm , tapi takpe keje last2 minit pon , sume kawan2 ak macam 2.. senang la nk buat keje .. cepat siap gitu .. hahaha .. okela2 , sampai ni je topik busy .. nanti law dah tak busy ,akan ku update info2 yg patot kepada sape yg patot ~ hahaa ..
sekarang ni , ak dh hepy2!! takpe , walaupon org 2 bz CKIT , ak ta kesah dah .. takpa kot .. hari2 kan dh jumpe .. so ??? its oke 4 me .. hehehe ..cinta lama berputik kembali.. cewwwaaahh~ geli plak ak.. haha ..itu dua kes dah ak cter .. yg ni kes ketiga plak .. ummm , ak pelik la , dalam minggu ni aku asyik sakit dada je.. ak takley nak nafas kot .. pastu jadi cam sempit .. aku tak boley nak gerak banyak mase sakit tu .. memang kerap jadi .. tapi , kalu yg teruk sgt aku rase mase ari senin ngn kamis ari 2.. kenapa kah?? umm , bile kol my mum , dy suruh g klinik .. takot laaa~ sbb bhagian jantung kot .. dh la ak ni keturunan sume sakit jantung belah ayah aku .. yg dh meninggal pon 3 org dh sbb sakit jantung .. pakcik2 yg lain termasok ayah ak skrg , dok ulang alik hospital ja sbb jantung haaa .. ak dah la berat belah ayah aku .. darah pon same ngn ayah ak , makcik2 ak ape sume .. ummm , mungkinkah ?? tapi , aku ni muda ag kot .. bru 19 .. takkan dh kene ?? ummm , :'( tah laaa .. ak risau sgt ..dh la dah dekat nak final weeeyyy .. aku risau kalau tibe2 sakit ag sekali , ak terus dh takde d dunia ni .. sbb kan , ari tu kan , aku mimpi , matahari terbenam , pastu dalam mase 5 minit balik , matahari 2 terus naik balik.. see !! dari barat dy terbit .. haisshhh .. ak taw tu mainan tidur .. takot la plak .. umm , ni , ak nk smpaikan , aku mintak maap pd sume .. kalau aku tak sempat mintak maaf laa.. oke ?? i love u all !! :')